*Minimum payment with debit/credit card $800 MX
** We would appreciate if you paid in national currency (MXN).
We do not accept use or any other foreign currency
If you require to pay in USD, our exchange rate is: $16 MXN = $1 USD
Moscow Mule //$220
Ketel One Vodka, ginger beer, lime juice, syrup. 200 ml
Aperol Spritz //$200
Aperol, pinzano pro-spritz, sparkling water, orange slice. 200 ml
Cascahuin Tequila // $500
4 generations of maestros from the Rosales family have dedicated their lives since 1904 to crafting these mind blowing tequilas. Taste tequila like you’ve never had before with this selection.
Each serving is 30 ml.